Jakarta is one of the most densely populated megacities on earth. With 10,560,000 citizens on 662 km2 and 15,964 citizens per km2, space is scarce. This translates to a populous city with relatively little freely accessible public space, even though these spaces are crucial to the well-being of citizens since they provide people with space to meet, recreate, play and practice sports. What if Lab: Sustainable public spaces, in collaboration with Erasmushuis Jakarta, is looking for Dutch and Indonesian designers to form a team to design and prototype a concept for neighbourhoods in Indonesia that currently lack access to shared community spaces.
The increasing urbanisation of our cities impacts not only public space but also presents societal challenges regarding climate, the responsible use of available materials, and the need for more sustainable solutions. Here, biobased materials can provide a solution as they are an inexhaustible source of resources that grow back quickly, are often fully recyclable or compostable and absorb and store CO2 from the atmosphere.
What if… we co-created sustainable public spaces in Indonesia?
The concept should promote the use of biobased and reused materials, co-designed with residents to meet local demands, and the outcomes should be sharable for a broad group to use. The end result will be a master plan, a prototype of at least one structure and a design/material guide to share with other communities that want to transform their public space.
Eager to participate in this Lab? Read the briefing here and register before the 11 May 2023!